Automatically Generate a Sitemap Page for your Shopify Site

Automatically Generate a Sitemap Page for your Shopify Site

With a few clicks and no coding skills required you can create a Sitemap page with all your links in one place.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to know how to code?

No, all you need to do is press the generate button and it will create the URL. All the links will be organised into categories e.g. Products, Collections, Pages, blog posts. 

Does it automatically update?

Yes, the app refreshes every 24 hours so as you add need products or remove pages the sitemap page will remain up to date

What is the difference between an XML sitemap and an HTML Sitemap?

An XML sitemap already exists with your shopify store, the url is simply: /sitemap.xml. However, this is just a bunch of code that Google can read.

The HTML sitemap, on the other had, can be very useful no matter what. First of all because it is valuable for human visitors, as it allows them to find any page within your site quickly. Second, and most important, HTML sitemaps represent a very efficient way to distribute your links among the pages of your site.

I want to understand more about Sitemaps

Try this interesting article here:

Leumas Shopify Experts

Leumas Shopify Experts

We are Leumas Digital and specialise in Shopify Apps and custom coding. 

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